A small puppy licks his nose and stands behind a green bag of Get Joy fresh dog food.

4 Puppy Behaviors to Immediately Nip in the Bud

Puppy behavior runs the gamut from silly and playful to naughty very quickly. When training a puppy, the behavior you tolerate and reward is what your dog will understand as acceptable, and they will carry that knowledge with them as they grow into an adult dog.

This is why it’s critical to train puppies from the get-go to ensure they understand from a young age what behaviors are acceptable and learn what they won’t be able to get away with.

Let’s discuss the puppy behaviors that should not be tolerated and how you can correct the behavior effectively.

What to Correct in Puppy Behavior Training

Puppies are playful and energetic, but there are a few behaviors that should be acknowledged as negative and re-trained. Let’s explore those here.

Nipping & Biting

Nipping, mouthing, and biting are very common behaviors in puppies. They want to play, their teeth and gums are sore, and they get overly excited very easily. 

One bite from those sharp puppy teeth, and you’ll be very motivated to teach the “No” command quickly. You can also try yelping loudly when you get bit and temporarily end playtime. Doing so will startle the puppy and train them (over time) that you don’t want to play in that way.


Puppies are infamous for their chewing phase, which can carry on for a few months up to several years in some breeds. The trick to combat chewing is to remove all tempting items from the puppy’s vantage point — essentially puppy-proofing your home of anything they can chew on and destroy.

Offer them chew toys that will soothe sore gums as they get their new teeth. You can also teach the “Leave it!” command if they find something they want to chew on in the house.

Potty Accidents

Puppies can regress with potty training, just like toddlers can. As they grow and change, they may forget what they’ve already mastered, and how you respond is important. Never punish your puppy for having an accident, but instead, correct the behavior by taking him outside immediately.  

The puppy may need more frequent potty breaks outside, and many puppy parents opt to start potty training by going outside often to encourage and remind them where to do their business.


As your puppy learns to communicate, he may bark in various situations where he feels uncomfortable, stressed, or unsafe. Many puppies bark less if they have plenty of mental stimulation, playtime, and exercise. 

Whether your puppy is bored, frustrated, or stressed, there are many tips you can try to prevent or at least reduce this behavior from early on in their lives. 

Combating Aggressive Puppy Behavior

Of all the puppy behavior stages you may encounter, aggressive puppy behavior should be quickly corrected and trained. So, how can you ensure your puppy’s aggressive behavior gets handled effectively?

Puppy obedience classes can help significantly with aggressive puppy behavior. This includes displaying aggressive body language (deep growling, stiff posture), biting that turns into rough play, or aggressive guarding can be viewed as threatening behavior.

In these scenarios, training is the most effective form of behavior modification. A professional dog trainer will teach your puppy the tools needed to break bad habits. Aside from training, socialization can drastically help your puppy learn about acceptable, safe behaviors with people and other dogs.

Navigate Puppy Parenthood with Get Joy

Puppy training can be daunting, but it’s necessary to build trust with your dog and set them up for a life of being a confident, happy dog. As you train your puppy, Get Joy is here to help with our virtual vet services, healthy dog food, and helpful resources. Explore our puppy blog today!

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